Book Review: Adventure by Chicken Bus by Janet LoSole

By Tyra Forde

Adventure by Chicken Bus.jpg

Content warning: graphic descriptions of injuries

Adventure by Chicken Bus: An Unschooling Odyssey Through Central America by Canadian author Janet LoSole is a travel memoir that reads like vacation stories recounted by an old friend. LoSole documents a two-year journey with her husband and children, unschooling her young daughters through authentic experiences across Central America. The title is fitting, as the family frequently travels via “chicken bus.” As LoSole explains, this is “a colloquial term used to describe the run-down, discarded school buses from North America sold to Latin American countries, where they are repainted in riotously bright colors, outfitted with stereo speakers, and upcycled with more seats to accommodate man, woman, and child along with their potatoes, avocados, and chickens—and in this case, a family of Canadian backpackers.” 

After selling almost everything they own, the family embarks on their adventure with nothing more than what they can hold in their packs and Lonely Planet Central America on a Shoestring as their guidebook. Each chapter sets the stage for the reader by identifying which country they happen to be in (they travel through Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras and more) while other times the chapter begins by summarizing their recent actions such as when they settle down in the village of Quebrada Ganado, Costa Rica. This is a story of frugality, yet also of the pricelessness of family. 

The family strives to live like locals. They learn Spanish, how to make coconut oil and cheese, and volunteer with several local organizations (that LoSole provides contact information for, should any readers want to reach out). Their volunteer experience working with sea turtles in Parismina, Costa Rica, is especially memorable. The authentic lifestyle challenges the family at times. They experience heat exhaustion, illness, injury, and homesickness. Their strong bond and ability to work together results in them dubbing themselves the “Travel Team,” as their journey forces them to dig deep.

The memoir is written in such a familiar tone that it is easy to picture either yourself or a friend having embarked on this odyssey. LoSole is funny and heartfelt and does not shy away from peeling back the curtain on the trials and tribulations of travelling in general, but especially as a family. The different locales are described as vividly as if viewing a postcard and each excursion documented is unique and a pleasure to read. The occasional inclusion of direct narration from LoSole’s daughters or husband is a witty and clever way to include the whole family.  

At just under 230 pages, Adventure by Chicken Bus is a memoir that will captivate and inspire readers to book their next adventure. During a time where international travel is still limited, it was a pleasure to be transported to Central America through its pages. LoSole’s writing style is honest and her humour turns even the most mundane aspects of travel into wonderful stories. Adventure by Chicken Bus proves that home is truly where the heart is.

Thank you to Janet LoSole for the complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review!