Book Review: Brave, Beautiful and Baring it All by Rhyanna Watson

By Jamie Maletta

Content warning: suicide 

I’m a sucker for self-help, better living, and motivation-style books. I’m also heavily influenced by “bookstagram” in all its glory. While browsing through Instagram stories I happened to come across someone reading Brave, Beautiful, and Baring it All by author, yogi, and health and well-being consultant (to name only a few areas of her expertise), Rhyanna Watson. I wasn’t familiar with Watson’s work, but her book had me intrigued, and I quickly added it to my TBR list. 

The premise of this book is to learn how to live your most authentic life, whatever that means to you. Learning to see perfection through the imperfections, freeing your inner child, opening your heart, and loving life. It’s self-help meets how-to! Watson is heavily involved in yoga, and a lot of her book referenced yoga as a method, which I didn’t quite relate to. I also felt some chapters were a little repetitive in that they shared the same advice worded a little differently on a few occasions. 

At the same time, I did enjoy the book and the positivity it exudes. I felt that the book provided the space to really take a look at my inner struggles and what to do with them. I also found myself realizing some unconscious and less positive habits I have and how I could do better by facing them. I really enjoyed working through these topics in a positive way, and I felt good having read this book. I’ve since started following Rhyanna Watson on Instagram (@openheartscanunite) and I’m interested in learning more about who she is and what she does. I believe surrounding yourself with positive people, even when their interests may differ from your own, can benefit your well-being tremendously. 

If you’re looking for a quick read that will have you thinking about your thoughts, habits, needs, and aspirations to live a better life, then this is a great book and place to start! Stay happy, friends!