Book Review: Eat, Pray, #FML by Gabrielle Stone

By Jamie Maletta

Eat Pray FML.jpg

Gabrielle Stone is an American actress, director, and author. Her newest book Eat, Pray, #FML hit shelves in June 2019, documenting her adventures through a divorce, a short-lived and intense romance, and a solo trip abroad. 

Gabrielle begins her story by unraveling her marriage and inevitable divorce. She soon finds herself in the arms of an stranger, whom she falls head-over-heels for. Their relationship is intense and becomes very serious very quickly. They book a romantic month-long backpacking adventure through Europe that he just so happens to bail out of only 48 hours prior to their departure. With nothing to lose, Gabrielle decides to embark on a trip of a lifetime with or without her new love, meeting new friends, eating and drinking (so much drinking) to her heart’s content, all while trying to get to the bottom of who she truly is and what she truly wants. Crazy adventures ensue, and revelations are made as she hops across Europe in Eat, Pray, #FML.

Personally, I found this book very surface-level. It’s apparent the author attempted to achieve depth, and it just wasn’t there for me. The writing was very much like a “teenager trying desperately to justify their actions,” and I found myself wanting to comfort this woman or provide her with some sense: “You don’t need a man. You keep advocating for this but contradict the very point you’re attempting to make!” It was a little frustrating, to say the least.

I believe this book may be of more interest to the 19-21 age range audience looking for an easy and adventurous read. It contains mature themes, a lot of partying, and cool adventures. The “fun” and adventurous aspect was not lost on me, and I do believe this could be a fun read for the younger-than-me audience! (I say at my ripe old age of 33!) 

Stone’s next book, The Ridiculous Misadventures of a Single Girl, is set to release September 2021, and I find myself intrigued enough to check it out, and include it in a future review!