Book Review: The End of Her by Shari Lapena

By Robyn Rossit

The End of Her by Shari Lapena is a domestic thriller chock-full of suspense and intrigue. Set in upstate New York, it tells the story of Stephanie and Patrick, who are settling into life with their colicky twin baby girls. Stephanie stays at home with the girls, and while this is difficult, she doesn’t mind. But then a woman that Patrick would have rather stayed in the past, Erica Voss, suddenly drops into his life and starts raising questions about his first wife who passed away in a car accident. When the police become involved, Stephanie begins to lose trust in Patrick. Not sure who or what to believe, she knows she has to ensure her girls are protected at all costs.

What I enjoyed most about The End of Her was the characters. Stephanie, who is battling brain fog due to sleep deprivation, is constantly questioning what is real. I felt a strong sense of sympathy towards her and wanted to protect her. Her story and what she was going through, both with her baby girls and with Patrick’s investigation, felt real and drew me into the story. Erica also was a really interesting character full of twists and turns. The reader is really left guessing regarding what her intentions are. Patrick as well was a mystery; I found myself constantly unsure if Stephanie should trust him or not.

The pacing of the story kept the book firmly glued in my hands. It was a quick read but one that was full of tension and at times, danger. Lapena’s writing style lent a sense of urgency to the plot and made me want to uncover everyone’s secrets. I wasn’t really able to fully guess the ending which to me is always the mark of a great thriller. While I enjoy trying to figure it out, I love it when I am thrown off by twists and turns.

While The End of Her is only the second book by Shari Lapena that I’ve read, it certainly will not be my last. I enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed her novel The Couple Next Door. If you’re looking for a fast-paced domestic thriller to get caught up in, I would certainly recommend The End of Her. Fair warning though: once you start you may not be able to put it down.


Thank you to Penguin Random House Canada for the complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.